OITAF Seminar / Interalpin: AI - Is the cable car world facing a structural break?In conjunction with the international INTERALPIN exhibition taking place in Innsbruck, OITAF also holds a technical seminar in the morning of May 7, 2025 at the Kongresszentrum. Study Committee III “Electrotechnical Components of Ropeways” is in charge of the seminar this year and has selected the following theme: AI Is the cable car world facing a structural break? (AI = Artificial Intelligence) Whether the source of this text was generated by AI cannot be determined. What is certain, however, is that AI is becoming more omnipresent every day and is also having an influence on the cable car world. Be it in engineering, design, in the development of technical and operational software, or in operations in general. The Study Committee III "Electrical Equipment" has taken up this topic and wants to use a seminar to investigate the extent to which the cable car world is facing a structural break. Speakers from the cable car industry from France, Italy, Austria, and Switzerland attempt to assess the opportunities and risks. With contributions to basics, applications and innovations, the auditorium will be offered an exciting forum for knowledge transfer and an opportunity to ask questions. Translation will be provided in English, French, German and Italian. The seminar takes place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Kongresszentrum so that you have time to visit the exhibition in the afternoon. Please register under “Events” from the website www.oitaf.org Participation is free.