Mountaincart - Innovations in product, service and liquidity-saving introduction
For the 2024 summer season, Mountaincart is once again presenting numerous innovations and improvements to its tried and tested downhill cart used by around 150 ski resorts and alpine destinations. Improvements to the Mountaincart itself as well as to the associated tools and service processes ensure an absolute minimum of personnel and financial effort for the operators.
However, the innovations achieved are not only aimed at the longevity and ease of maintenance of the Mountaincarts, but also to further broadening their range of applications. The Mountaincarts have been one of the top attractions for alpine summer guests for over 15 years, they are increasingly becoming a crowd-puller in winter, too. The Mountaincart, which is easy and intuitive to use for everyone, also offers non-skiers a fast and safe experience on the slope.
Newly developed and easily retrofittable winter equipment allow to use Mountaincarts even in the most varied snow conditions in future.
In addition, a size-adjustable cart model will offer rental destinations even more flexibility.
Interested ski resorts also have flexibility when it comes to introduction of the Mountaincarts.
In addition to a non-binding test on site, the Mountaincarts can also be rented from the manufacturer without any obligation or risk. With later purchase of the Mountaincarts, rental payments are offset against the purchase price. This means that a small investment right from the start generate additional liquidity and turnover.